Learn To See Blindfolded
Seeing Beyond Your Eyes
Engage Your Inner Vision

Welcome to Vision Without Eyes (VWE)

© Meta AI

Learning To See Blindfolded

In general, the younger you are, the faster it happens. We're ALL born with this innate ability to see / read without eyes. It's a God given ability and EVERYONE has the right to develop it, like reading, writing and math in school. Many schools teach it with their own spin or attaching religion. Eventually it'll be mainstream, taught by parents and in school. Everyone can do it but for sure, it’s a natural thing, it's just easier when you're younger. People in their 70s / 80s are blindfold reading.

Rob and Wendy have been practicing since 2017, seeing colours, numbers, letters, symbols and images blindfolded, in lit or 100% dark rooms, as well as seeing the room, with full motion. Rob and Wendy have learned 5 different methods and each, as well as others, think they have the ONLY way, NOT TRUE. Every method think they originally discovered it, NOT TRUE. Many people discovered it independently from others in different time periods, over the centuries.

Many ask you to sign an NDA not to disclose their way but Rob and Wendy believe ALL have the right to learn and freely spread it. Rob and Wendy’s vision is to not just help those with sight who would like to see blindfolded, but both have a passion to help blind folk and those with significant vision issues to open their mindsight as well.

In the videos below, you will see students who are 100% blind, seeing with their mindsight. Scroll down the page to view upcoming seminar / workshop events where you can accelerate your mindsight to open, in a group, in-person setting.

What We Do

© Meta AI

Our Training

Rob and Wendy have been trained by several different instructors around the world since 2017 and none were based on anything religious or spiritual. Everything Rob and Wendy do is to get the participant to relax and “let go” of, or “calm” that notorious controlling left brain and allow the things of the right brain (mindsight) to come through, it’s science / psychologically based.

There are many exercises they will do that also “distract” or “engage the left brain away from closing down the mindsight of the right brain, so it can come through. They view the intellectual, logical, reasoning, controlling left brain as an ego based “bully” that is always putting down / overpowering the weaker “child” located in the right brain, associated with mindsight. That bully has to be continually distracted or engaged, otherwise it will always go after the weaker child and subjugate it. You will hear Rob and Wendy suggest the participants do a meditation, from time to time, but it’s whatever the person likes to interpret that that means for them.

They could be saying a mantra of their personal choice internally, they could simply go to a very calming place in their mind. It could be a beautiful beach, hearing the waves coming in, listening to the birds, the laughter of children. Anything which they know relaxes them. These are all proven / time tested methods to relax the mind (the left brain) and allow the mindsight of the creative, intuitive, sensing right brain to come through.

They will also do various exercises to help sharpen the intuition as that goes hand in hand with actual mindsight. For example in the initial stages, a person may sense the colour is green, but they don’t actually see the green in the darkness of their visual field. Then when they lift their mask up, sure enough, the card is green. Then, with more exercises, they will actually start seeing a very vague haze of green as their mindsight opens. Then symbols, numbers, letters and images, etc. The ultimate goal is for folks to “see the room in real time”, with all motion and associated activity.

It’s really not rocket science, a lot of it is just common sense and what Rob and Wendy have discovered over the last several years, to open their own mindsight, each teaching the other. Rob and Wendy are currently teaching blind folks and those with visual issues one to one online, and put on seminars / workshops for all persons, which in a group physical setting, greatly accelerates the mindsight to open. Check below for upcoming events and register early.

Most Recent Video

Some of Our Classes

Seeing with Patches and Mask

Student Dani Gonzalez put on eye patches plus the mask, to prove she is not peeking with her eyes somehow.

Four Years Blind and Now Seeing

Student Jeanetta describes Wendy's face on her first “blindfold seeing” teaching session.

Blind Since a Boy, Now Seeing

Student Robert Geoffroy, 100% blind, sees colours, letters, numbers, symbols and picture cards with his mindsight.

Overcoming Visual Challenges

Student Mark is seeing multiple random playing cards blindfolded even with his visual impairment, using his mindsight.


Mindsight Training

Coming soon

Join us for the next seminar! We are actively preparing, please email us at robfreeman@look.ca and include your name, address, phone number and inform us if you are blind, or have significant vision issues, so we can prioritize you.

Event Information

Meet Our Team

VWE Team

Rob Freeman

Director of VWE and Trainer

"I’ve always taken the road less travelled - for me, that is teaching mindsight to those who need it".

"Coming soon".

Claudia Frohlich

Event Planner/Trainer

“My mindsight has opened and learning to develop it further”.